In 1990, Dr. Boroyevich joined the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, as associate professor, and in 1996 became associate director of Virginia Power Electronics Center that was founded by Prof. Fred Lee ten years earlier. In 1998, Fred and Dushan led the team of faculty from Virginia Tech, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, and North Carolina A&T State University to win the US National Science Foundation funding for the first national engineering research center in the area of power electronics, the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES). With over 20 professors and over 200 students, working in partnership with more than 80 companies, CPES became the most renowned power electronics research and education center in the world. In addition to its alumni, probably the most enduring legacy of CPES was the paradigm shift in power electronics research towards higher levels of integration and modularization.
Dr. Boroyevich is now also the CPES Deputy Director and Virginia Tech's Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation in Energy Systems. He has led numerous research projects in the areas of multi-phase power conversion, electronic power distribution systems, modeling and control, and multi-disciplinary design optimization. He developed a comprehensive geometric approach to modeling and control of high-frequency switching power converters that is widely used in the analysis, design, and control of multi-phase ac power conversion systems. He has graduated almost 50 Ph.D. and 50 M.S. students, and has co-authored with them over 1000 technical publications and 20 patents.
Dr. Boroyevich is an IEEE Fellow, a recipient of the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Technical Field Award and of IEEE Power Electronics Society Harry A. Owen Distinguished Service Award, and he was the President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society in 2011-2012. He is also the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award by the European Power Electronics Association and the award for Outstanding Achievements and Service to Profession by the European Power Electronics and Motion Control Council. Dr. Boroyevich is an Honorary Professor at Tsinghua University and at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and the Pao Yue-Kong Chair Professor at Zhejiang University in P.R. China, and the Kwoh-Ting Li Chair Professor at the National Cheng-Kung University in Taiwan. He received six prize paper awards, several awards for excellence in research and teaching at Virginia Tech and he is a member of the Virginia Tech College of Engineering Academy of Engineering Excellence. Dr. Boroyevich was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 2014 for advancements in the control, modeling, and design of electronic power conversion for electric energy and transportation.
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